in Malaysia.
Welcome to our online blog.
I love writing, though, I can say I'm not that good at it ☺. I love reading blogs, on how people express themselves through words and create a connection with their readers/followers.
Wishing that I can also have that connection, if ever I have a reader, well, who knows..
My husband and I, love to travel. We both have an itchy feet ☺. Love going to new places, long road trips paired with great music to sing along to, and experience new things.
Though acrophobic, I love adventure.
Pico de Loro was our first climb, together with friends(experienced mountain hikers), whilst tired and exhausted, we reached the peak with a happy heart and feeling accomplished conquering acrophobia.
Believing that life is meant to be enjoyed by means of travelling.
This blog is not only about our travels, but also about our regular everyday life.
As a housewife and residing in a foreign land, we get to miss our favorite viands, foods and snacks back home. And to pacify these cravings, I learned and still learning on how to cook them. But to be clear, I'm not an expert in cooking, just being very patient and willing to learn new things. Anyway, I have a very good critic and mentor, my hubby, the love of my life ^.^.
Helping me whenever I'm into new things and providing full support all the way. Because of this, I'm glad to share these recipes with you guys.
I know that we all have our own unique cooking style, just want to share mine maybe as for reference.
A part of this blog, is about our second home here in Malaysia, the town of Muar. I want people to see how we view Muar in our perspective, the experiences, places, people and the food. The friends that we gained, locals and foreigners alike.
We are just regular couple who loves to share our story, thinking that maybe, just maybe, our experiences can inspire others, 'coz other people's stories also helped us in a way or two.
Join us as we discover the world and how we live Our Simple Life.
Creating this blog with a cheerful heart. Spreading only love and happiness.
Welcome! And hope that YOU welcome us as well.
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